Four summers after the world ended
I reread Tommy Pico’s Nature Poem
listened to Tracy Chapman's Fast Car on repeat
I am 24 and finally know what it feels like to be understood
The song follows me into my sleep, on my walks
The song cuts off at every door I close
Tracy, I wanna run away with you from you to you
Tracy, can you taste my pain like blood between your teeth?
Like I can for you?
I too have felt suffocated by my city
I too have thought there was someone out there who could save me with a kiss
The end of the world is an SUV
I remind myself there were poets long before I decided to become one
That breathing wasn't discovered the moment I was born
When someone compliments my necklace I
have to double check it is still there
That pain is universal
That dancing and poverty look the same in every city
I kiss the hand that feeds me
The first time my world ended:
The second season finale of Awkward
When Jenna chooses her ex over a trip to Europe
they are at a party and her favorite song is playing
and everyone is happy and she's sitting in his lap watching all her friends dance
and it's just him and her and the song is fading out
and you can see the moment she realizes she made the wrong choice
Then I was sitting in a dark room with the weight of her world ending on my shoulders
The worlds’ biggest con is people who don't dance
The end of the world is Red Wine Supernova and me missing all the notes at the karaoke bar
pulling the song out my throat with one hand pointing at the sky
dedicating the song to the hottest girl in the room
I scream all I’ve ever wanted to be is you!
When I was a kid I used to hide from the sun, Chappel!
I shot my arrow at an empty sky and missed
The end of the world is a mirror
My reflection is my mother
mouthing oraciones to me
But I can’t translate them fast enough
The end of the world is the green text box
I send one four, five times, a year
always waiting for it to turn blue
The end of the world is the second wedding I went to
Heidi Gardner was there in a pink 80’s prom dress
and the mother watched me cry from the corner of her eyes
It was a sculpture garden ceremony
with statues of man verses demons
man verses god, a woman verses herself
I tried writing vows in my head
but the only thing I could think up was
I am always moving
The end of the world is an abstract
or maybe just another love poem
disguised as apocalypse
The end of the world is a ribbon tying itself into a bow
How I bought a red dining room set
The morning before the chiefs won the superbowl