My Declaration, Your Colonoscopy

I can't recall which paramedic I fell for first 

The one who complained about the Cowboys game 

or the one who asked me what grade I was in 

sighing after a closed nosed kiss 

Your nostrils attempt to pry out my piercings 

Weeds pulled out of my garden

My bookmark a thank note 

to every shirt you own without a word printed on it 

Kiss me Kiss me 

pinstripe curl dangling over your forehead 

listening to love songs and wise cracks

Your seatbelt, My shindig

80 percent of the US/Mexico border is accessible on foot 

make sure we fuck with two pairs of socks on

Use our hair as handles

Once you told me that avocados were a fruit for those who took their health seriously 

Tonight the tequila taste like rain and the pavement smells like the 10$ you owe me


Pound Cake Heart
