Synonyms for a LoveBite
I am 22 and just wanna feel good
I wanna feel fucking
perfect like my body still belongs to me
A synonym for a love bite
Iād settle even for just an arm tease
when I think of places I want to get married
I think about the fenced in
Or how cold eggs feel
sometimes when no one is looking
I steal something white and plump and squeeze it in my fist
I fall asleep with the lights on
worried I'll wake up with premature wrinkles
Last week I dreamt I was on a boat and woke up dizzy
Last night I dreamt I had a kid but she looked like
All those white girls on TV who don't eat breakfast
To be brown means to be incomplete
Today a man followed me on the street
Screaming something about these women
These women and their babies
speaking on behalf of everyone
Wants to belong
Wants to be loved
The night in the alley
Me, you, and one pink puddle on the concrete
How I found a home in our sock collection
Said I've missed you with my tongue
Apologized without my lips
In this dirty dream my body works perfectly just for you
Published in Contemporary Verse 2, 2023