Dreaming of Me, Dreaming of You, Dreaming of Us

March 11 -April 9, 2023, 609 N 6th St. Kansas City, KS 66101.

Dreaming of Me, Dreaming of You, Dreaming of Us is about dreaming up a world where I could love someone enough to give away my last name. 

The work is about assimilation or pretending to be something you are not. Like pillows pretending to be balloons, cardboard pretending to be porcelain, a woman pretending to be a “wife,” Here I am building a space that uses poetry and poetic devices to help me understand the ideas of womanhood I grew up with in a Latin household. This work is about the love songs my grandma made me listen to, the men I pretended to love in TV novelas, and the world the women in my life have built for me. 

In this world, there is no femininity without labor. The labor of childbirth, a labor of love, to labor means to be working class. The gendered divisions of labor in my family motivate the methods of artistic creation I use. 

This work is, as always, about my mom.


Paper Tortillas


I don’t know why I keep bleeding I just do