Self Portrait as the Strings Tying us Together

February 07-27, 2025

Vulpes Bastille Sub Gallery | 737 Locust St, Kansas City, MO 64108

Self-portraits As The Strings Tying Us Together is a collaboration between Caroline Honas, Hùng Lê, and Bernadette Negrete that foregrounds process-driven artistic practices. Each substrate started in one of the three artists' studios, encountered various manipulations, and was then passed to one another for completion—or was created through the direct inspiration of one another’s work. This approach inspired a broader understanding of the methodology and aesthetics defining each artist’s practice, allowing the accumulated pieces to act as portraits of their relationships. During these encounters, content is set aside and replaced by process. Each piece is transformed, becoming a record of all three artist’s hands and the trust built between them over time. The result is a collage of sewn paper bricks, beaded paintings, and layered works that asks us to challenge the repeatedly centered individualistic approach in favor of collaborations.

Poster by Caroline Honas

Didactic by Caroline Honas, Hùng Lê, Bernadette Negrete, and edited by Aidan Powers.


Bernadette as Caroline (The Green) One


The Minis